Friday, March 6, 2015

Visual Aid

Visual aid is an instructional device such as multimedia slides, transparencies, handouts, flipcharts, video, props etc. Those are used to make information easier to understand.

Visual aids are very powerful tools to enhance the impact of our presentations. Words, numbers presented in different formats such as using pictures, diagrams, charts or video to explain for the words or numbers; that can appeal directly to our audience imagination. Visual aids also help us to reinforce our message, clarify the main point and create excitement.

Using visual aids help create interest, attraction among the audience and make the speaker appear more professional, better prepared and more persuasive. In addition, Visual aids are very helpful for inexperienced speakers because the audience can concentrates on the aid rather than on the speaker, that will make the speaker feel comfortable and self-confidence.

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University of Leicester. (n.d.). Using visual aids. Retrieved from

Visual aid. (n.d.). In Retrieved from 

Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P. (2011). Business Communication. Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.

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